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Saturday, December 22, 2007

The BS AS Players

This is Us

We, THE BS. AS. PLAYERS, are a pioneer theatre company committed to creating outstanding educational theatre in English as a second language and offering the audience the play that suits them best taking into account their interests and level of English acquired.
Our company was founded by Celia Zubiri and Liliana Riera in Buenos Aires, Argentina, in 1992, and since then it has gained a reputation of excellence. We work under the auspices of "Secretaría de Cultura y Comunicación de la Presidencia de la Nación" and our theatre productions have been declared of "national interest" since the year 2000.
The Buenos Aires Players.

A team of professionals working together in Argentina since 1992, with an audience of around 600.000 students and 45.000 teachers.
Overall director, scripts and lyrics > Celia Zubiri.
Music > Marcelo Andino.
Set design and building > Diego Cirulli, Alejandra Vitale, Enrique Dartiguepeyrou, Claudia Bottazzini
Costumes > Ercilia Dalinkevicius.
Drama teacher > Susan Cocimano.
Directors > Celia Zubiri, Ma. Fernanda Ponce Zubiri, Bettina Menegazzo, Maite Nuñez
Graphic design > Fernanda Ponce Zubiri, Roberto Rojas, Sergio Smirnoff.
Photos > Sebastián Bottazzini
Web site design > Rosario Ces Magliano
Sales department coordinator > Natalia Dalinkevicius.
Assistant sales department > Ma. Gimena Cavalieri
The cast in > Moppyland, The Enchanted Frog, Frankenstein, the Defrosted Truth and Breaking Point: Marcelo Andino / Alejandro Justiniano. Gonzalo Berón / Simon Freestone. Marcelo Rosa / Fernando del Azar Cordeu. Inés O'Reilly / Victoria Condomí Alcorta. Carolina Gómez / Milagros Campaña. There are two teams of actors due to the high demand for our plays.
The team in bapuppets > Evelyn Goldfinger, Italo Cárcamo, Guido Scaparro.
Choreographer > Pablo Arias García

Headquarters> TEATRO SANTAMARÍA, Montevideo 842 / 850(1019), Cdad. de Bs. As. Argentina. Tel / Fax: (54 11) 4 812-5307, 4 814-5455,
Booking> for performances in Ciudad de Bs. As. and surroundings, contact our Headquarters.Monday to Friday: 9 AM to 5 PM
Sales Department Coordinator> Natalia Dalinkevicius
Sales Department Assistant > Ma. Gimena Cavalieri
Booking> For performances in the different provinces in Argentina contact our Sales Representatives. If we have never been at your place before, contact our Headquarters.
Booking> For performances in Chile, Brasil, Uruguay,Paraguay, Perú and Venezuela contact our Headquarters. For performances in Mexico contact:
All our plays can be performed at your school If certain requirements are fulfilled -
Book the approximate number of seats you need well in advance -
Be sure permission for the outing is granted before making reservations -
Reconfirm your booking 10 days before the day of the performance with the exact number of seats you need -
Admission free for one accompanying teacher every ten students -
Try to be at the theatre 15 minutes before the performance starts, there will be a maximum tolerance of a ten-minute delay. -
It is advisable to make a deposit of the 50% or the total amount of the money you have to pay. Contact us to know about the Bank account -
Free educational CD-Rom with photos, synopsis, vocabulay, lyrics, songs and activities of each play available once you have made your reservations -
Cancellations will only be accepted 15 days in advance. After that, there is a charge of 50% of booked seats, without exception.

ManagingDirector: Vanina Waxman

FRANCHISING OPPORTUNITYTHE BS. AS. PLAYERS is currently available for franchising in Latin America, if you are interested please e mail or phone us.THE BS. AS. PLAYERS.

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