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Saturday, May 10, 2008

First Certificate Masterclass - Oxford University Press

English level: Upper-Intermediate

The highly successful course for ambitious Cambridge FCE candidates.

Key features
Detailed 'Dos and Don'ts' on how to approach Cambridge FCE tasks.
A greater emphasis on vocabulary.
Guided extracts from recorded Speaking tests.
A Writing Guide containing model answers and ideas for Paper 2.
Tests and photocopiable activities available online.
ISBN index Teacher's site

Available from February 2008 for the revised FCE (December 2008), with new Multi-ROM (available only with the Workbook), with listening material and a link to two online tests. Each practice test replicates the actual test, but is not completed in test conditions, allowing students to:

Click on any unfamiliar word to link to an explanation from the Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary.
Use the tips for advice that will improve their scores.
Refer to the correct answer before submitting their answers for marking.
Submit either a question, a part, or a complete paper for marking before re-submitting the whole test for final marking.
Choose to send/give their essay to a teacher for marking, and for the mark to be integrated into the overall test score.
Use each test for three months once activated.

Teacher's site
ExamsFree downloadable materials for First Certificate Masterclass.

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