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Thursday, June 12, 2008

Free sample worksheets: listen and learn -

Welcome to pie, the podcast site for learners and teachers of English.
All podcasts are free for language learners and teachers, but only members receive the learning English worksheets, vocabulary tasks, webquests and transcripts.
Free sample worksheets

You can listen to all the podcasts for free, but in order to download the worksheets and transcripts (except for the ones on this page) you must become a member.

Richard's family. (level 1) Richard describes some family photos
Listen or download (1.44MB, 3min 09sec)
Worksheet & Answers (pdf 100kb)
Transcript (pdf 25kb) Vocabulary tasks (pdf 65kb)

Jersey. (level 2) Take a trip to a small island with lots to discover
Listen or download (3.18MB, 6min 47sec)
Transcript (pdf 37kb)
Worksheet (pdf 146kb)
Webquest (pdf 236kb)

The lucky dog and the plucky duck. (level 3) How two of our animal friends escaped certain death and why dog owners lead a healthy life
Listen or download (2.23MB, 4min 46sec)
Transcript (pdf 29kb)
Vocabulary tasks (pdf 43kb)
Webquest (pdf 41kb)

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