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Monday, January 21, 2008

Marketing for Educational Institutions


Whether you like Marketing, or you hate to sell, you won´t want to miss a minute of this practical, useful, and enjoyable seminar delivered by Laura Lewin!


  • Wednesday, February 20, 2008
  • 9:00 am to 5:00 pm
  • At Dinastía Maisit Convention Center
  • Malabia 460, Buenos Aires

Put learning on your list! Enrollment is now underway for one of our top courses!

Put your career on a fast track this year by attending our prestigious Marketing for Educational Institutions delivered

on February 20 from 9:00 am to 5 :00 pm at the Dinastia Maisit Convention Center in Buenos Aires .

Whether you are a new institution or a well established one, it´s likely you hate the idea of selling your services.

You can´t touch, hear or see your service....A service is a promise that someone will do something for you, so how do we sell something that is "invisible"?.

In this practical and very enjoyable seminar delivered by Laura Lewin, you will learn how to sell your service, how to be a step above the rest, and leave competition in the dust; you will learn how to identify opportunities, set prices and deal with late payers, but you will also learn how to provide a superb service to delight your clients. As you will hear Laura say, the idea of service is not to smile at your clients, but rather have your clients smile at you!

They say it best:

Dear Laura,
This was the first time I attended one of your seminars and I must tell you that I found it really useful.I liked everything: the ideas, the pace, and on top of all that, the opportunity of sharing a wonderful time with you , Miguel and all the marvellous people coming from so many places, doing different things with different realities but with one goal in common: do our best to improve¡
Hoping to see you in August, my motto now is, as you say: 'here today, gone today- live life now!"
Kind regards,
Yolanda Irigoyen ( Durazno, Uruguay)

Dear Laura:
I should thank you for everything we learned and reinforced with you.
It was an excellent group of people that made everything go smoothly.
Best regards.
Carlos Mendoza Toro, Chile

Dear Laura
I cannot thank you enough for providing -I think all of us- with such a productive and pro-active weekend. And even though I was mentally worn out I tortured my husband on the way home (7 hs by car) with ideas, comments, projects I had already begun to create and develop in my mind. Of course, we are working on improving our people service already and I hope we can do that on a daily basis.
Again, thank you for sharing with us all of your useful tips and great anecdotes.
The most amazing thing was feeling completely renewed in my work yesterday night when I closed my school
I look forward to seeing you again soon.
Be well,
Ms. Mariana F. Boubée
Teacher of English, ELC, London, UK

Dear Laura:
I really need to thank you for your wonderful seminar. As I´ve already told you, it was worth every minute of the past long weekend. It was enlightening, filled with useful tips, fun, warmth and generosity in sharing all your experience with us. I learnt a lot,I also met a lot of nice people from many parts of our country and from other countries as well. What else could I expect?
Miguel and you are a loving couple and I wish you both the best in life.
Love, Graciela N. Ciccarelli

Querida Laura:
Conocí ABs y a vos en noviembre del año pasado... Un momento de cambio que se venía gestando en lo más profundo de mi ser pero que no se plasmaba en acciones concretas... No sé muy bien cómo recibí un mail para participar del congreso de Creatividad en Innovaciones educactivas y me inscribí... Si bien fue agotador, ese cansancio no pudo superar la satisfacción personal de haberme decidido a pasar por esa vivencia. Me emocioné, aprendí mucho y puse en práctica númerosas estrategias.Fué muy fácil hacerlo. Estaba motivada... pero algo seguía haciendo ruido... Cuando recibí el mail de el curso de Coordinación tampoco dudé en inscribirme. Pero esta vez fue diferente. Aún no soy directora y me doy cuenta que me falta mucho por aprender pero lo que rescato es que pude dar un paso hacia mi sueño... Y por ese paso quiero agradecerte YO a vos. Por todo lo que nos enseñaste con tus clases, con tu actitud, con tus silencios, y con tu estilo. No pude aplicar en el diario accionar esas herramientas por el rol que llevo a cabo pero si pude mirar todo desde la vereda de enfrente, entender y aprender. Y lo más importante darme cuenta que quiero hacer esa carrera paralela de la que vos hablas. Por lo pronto soy una docente comprometida con su labor que adquirió ciertos conocimientos que aplica con su auxiliar y pares (a modo de prueba piloto). Que la ven liderando situaciones y que se siente cómoda haciéndolo.
El paso está dado, el sueño comienza a tener forma, y esto sigue... Una vez más quiero agradecerte por haber sido quién sembró en mi las ganas, la que me guió en los primeros pasos y quién fue tan generosa al compartir conmigo lo que sabe. Seguramente nos encontraremos en el futuro...dando otros pasos.
Mis mejores deseos...
Cariños ,
Mariana Viale

* “Dear Laura,Thank you for everything. I really enjoyed every minute of the seminar. It was really useful for us.” Marcia Villarroel- American Institute Coordinator, Rio Tercero - Cordoba

* “Laura, I had the pleasure of attending your seminar. I have to admit that your lecture exceeded by far my expectations for today, probably due to the poor seminars I've been attending during the last few years (not ABS` of course!!). Not only did I learn a lot but also found in you a very good and sensible communicator!! To the extent that I shared your deep feelings when everybody gave you that ever-lasting applause at the end of the seminar.. It shows in EVERY aspect that you enjoy what you do, believe me, and you're setting the pace because... according to what somebody has recently taught me in a can you expect your staff to enjoy themselves if you yourself don't enjoy what you do?? Again, thanks a lot for your commitment and I look forward to meeting you again some time in the near future.!” Adriana C Roqué, Certified Translator- Marketing Dept

You too can enroll in this seminar and join the hundreds of participants from across the country and abroad who have studied with ABS International!


  • Marketing for educational institutions- Why?
  • Problem Inventory and Auditing
  • Problem Solving Techniques
  • Surveys, Evaluations and more
  • Strategic Planning
  • Marketing Plans for Everyone
  • Identifying Opportunities
  • Positioning
  • Pricing
  • Dealing with late payers
  • Competition
  • Promotion and Selling
  • Customer Service that REALLY works
  • Laura´s Best 70 Moneyless Marketing Ideas!

...among other interesting topics.

This seminar will address these and other marketing-related issues of educational institutions. We will present you with easy-to-follow- techniques and the steps to apply them.


before January 8 After January 9

1 person enrolling .................... $90 $100

2 people or more enrolling together.... $80 each $90

4 people or more enrolling together.... $70 each $60

Internationals......................... U$S 30 each U$S 40 each

All 4 Participants attending the International Congress of Professional Development for Teachers of English pay ONLY $50.

Handouts: $10 (Internationals U$S 3,50)

To enroll, contact us at:

ABS International

Bouchard 1622

La Lucila (1636)

Pcia de Buenos Aires


Tel/Fax: (5411) 4799-1555

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